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Dahua Technology
What is WIzSense and how does it work?

Dahua Technology's WizSense is a wide range of artificial intelligence solutions and products that contain independent AI chips and a deep learning algorithm. They give an opportunity to recognize people and cars with high accuracy. Because of this people can focus on the real targets. WizSense is based on Dahua's advanced technologies and makes the video surveillance system smart, simple and universal.

Intellectuality. WizSense works with AI microchips and a deep learning algorithm. It provides accurate information about people and cars, and quickly looks for targets. This allows you to maximize resources for greater efficiency.

Simplicity. WizSense has a simple configuration, especially for SMD Plus, which you can load with a button click. It is easier for your customers to perform everyday tasks and make optimal business decisions.

Versatility. Everyone can benefit from artificial intelligence. Thanks to its affordable price and easy configuration, WizSense artificial intelligence can be used in real-world scenarios.

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